365 Days of Columbo: May 23rd

Happy Birthday Alex Henteloff!

Born on May 23, 1942, in Los Angeles, California, Alex Henteloff is an American character actor known for his extensive work in television and film. 

Columbo fans might recognize him as the pawnbroker who sells Graham McVeigh his gun at the beginning of Strange Bedfellows in Season 13.

Beyond "Columbo," Henteloff's television credits include appearances in series such as "M*A*S*H," "Barney Miller," "Star Trek: The Next Generation," and "L.A. Law." He also had a significant role in the film "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" (1986) as Dr. Nichols.

As of this writing he appears to still be alive.

Happy birthday Beverly Leech!

Born May 23rd, 1959 in Paris, Texas, she's is a veteran actress with over 30 years of experience in film, television, and theater.

Leech has appeared in numerous television shows, including "NCIS," "Modern Family," "Criminal Minds," and even a Star Trek: Voyager episode. She's also graced the big screen in films like "Blood Work" (directed by Clint Eastwood) and national commercials for brands like Microsoft and Taco Bell.

Columbo fans may know her as Deidre "DeeDee" Ross, the actress that Senator Madison definitely didn't have an affair with in Butterfly in Shades of Grey.

Beyond acting, Leech is a dedicated teacher, having coached actors at prestigious institutions like The Stella Adler Studio and The American Academy of Dramatic Arts. She's also the author of "Actor Muscle: Craft. Grit. Wit. A Professional Guide to the Business of Acting."

Leech is actively involved in social justice causes. She's a long-time supporter of the Southern Poverty Law Center and works to combat racial and social injustice.

Happy birthday John Payne

John Howard Payne was born on May 23rd, 1912 in Roanoke, VA. He was best known for his roles in film noir crime stories and 20th Century Fox musical films. He is particularly remembered for his leading roles in Miracle on 34th Street and the NBC Western television series The Restless Gun.

Columbo fans remember him as Ned Diamond, the musical film star who loved Grace Wheeler in season 5's Forgotten Lady.

Payne attended prep school at Mercersburg Academy in Pennsylvania, and then went to Roanoke College. He later transferred to Columbia University in New York City, where he studied drama and voice at the Juilliard School.

He began his career as a singer in vaudeville before transitioning to film in the late 1930s. 

Despite his successful career, Payne's personal life was marked by tragedy. He was married three times, with each marriage ending in divorce. He passed away December 6, 1989.
